Blog - for System Thinkers

Unleashing the Power of SharePoint: Why It's Ideal for Application Development application development platform sharepoint systems Jan 25, 2024

Introduction: Unleashing the Power of SharePoint: Why It's Ideal for Application Development...

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Deciphering the Differences: Why Managers and System Owners Must Understand Systems, Processes, Workflows, and Tasks processes systems tasks workflows Jan 12, 2024

How do Systems, Processes, Workflows, and Tasks differ, and why must managers and system owners...

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Child Safe risk assessments - uncover what you really need to know child safe risk assessment Mar 22, 2023

Do you really know the state of your organisation’s capabilities concerning you’re...

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What is the cost of not being 'Child Safe'? child safe compliance child safe costs child safe legal obligations Jun 22, 2022

What is the cost of not being 'Child Safe'. In recent years courts had been more willing to award...

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The need for Child Safe Compliance child safe compliance Jun 08, 2022

Organisations have always needed to meet communities’ expectations of being Child Safe....

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The ‘Lifetime’ abuse numbers for those over 15 years of age child safe metrics May 18, 2022

In 2016, there were 7.2 million Australians who were reported experiencing some form of...

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The ‘Lifetime’ abuse numbers for those under 15 years of age child safe metrics May 18, 2022

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) found an alarming number when it came to childhood...

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Child-Safe Capability Deployment May 18, 2022

Rapid deployment & management of child-safe capabilities to fast-track the internal...

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The true prevalence of child abuse largely remains hidden. child safe metrics Mar 07, 2022

With only one in three abuse events ever getting reported, the true prevalence largely remains...

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